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Get Ready to Vote for the Winner of the 5th Annual Shauna M. Sorrells Grant Program

Stay In the Know

Our team is here to make navigating government easier for you. Every month, the G2G staff compiles and synthesizes the big government news, and distills it into the high-level, hard-hitting information you need. These summaries make it easier to find and understand the policy changes and legislative updates that impact you and your goals.

September 30th, 2024

Before leaving DC on September 27, Congress focused on bills that reinforce party messaging, which they believe will resonate with their base, while avoiding issues that could alienate their voters and put their candidates in contentious positions.

Read Full Update about September 30th, 2024

January 10, 2024

The outlook is uncertain for closing out the FY24 appropriations process with a bipartisan deal by January 19 and February 2, when current funding measures expire. Here’s why.

Read Full Update about January 10, 2024

October 25, 2023

Yet again, in a few short weeks, Congress will face the same choice it faces every year: fund the government, shut down the government, or kick the can down the road. Despite efforts to avoid this choice with a legislative process and significant planning, every October 1 when the new fiscal year starts Congress ends up in this same place.

Read Full Update about October 25, 2023