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Stay In the Know

G2G tracks government events and policies and engages directly with decision-makers at all levels of government in Ohio to stay up to date and shape the process. Each month, we distill this into legislative updates.

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February 28, 2022

All eyes in Ohio are still on redistricting as maps are still not confirmed with the May 3rd primary. When the Ohio Redistricting Commission failed to produce new General Assembly maps within their 10 day deadline as given by the Court, Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor asked that Commission appear before the Court in person to explain the reason for the delay and why they should not be held in contempt. The court appearance was scheduled but is now in continuance with no date reset.

Read Full Update about February 28, 2022

January 31, 2022

The legislature has slowly started committee meetings during the 2022 session. Right now everyone is focused on redistricting and the $20 billion Intel deal that could make central Ohio the epicenter for chip manufacturing for the world.

Read Full Update about January 31, 2022

November 30, 2021

The Ohio House and Senate are scheduled for a just a few more committee and session days before they wrap up for 2021. A bill on vaccine mandate exemptions has made its way through the House and is now being heard in Senate. Republicans and Democrats remain conflicted on the constitutionality of the redistricting maps as they head to the Supreme Court for their decision.

Read Full Update about November 30, 2021